Saturday, April 21, 2012

Who can you trust?

One of the big reasons I haven't "come out" as TTC to my family and friends is because we don't always make it a main priority. Sometimes we just ignore it and continue on with our lives. I don't want to tell my coworkers or my friends and then have to face their questions. I don't want to have to fill them in on my cycle or disclose to them what crazy procedures we've tried. I know they would mean well, and I know they would think they were being a support to me but for now I just don't want to deal with it.

I feel like I'm protecting them from disappointment by leaving them in the dark. I want to be the only one in tears when my period comes each month. I don't want to have to be accountable for getting their hopes up.

This is a big question we're facing. Who can you trust? Who do you share your burdens with?

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