Sunday, April 8, 2012

Waiting for Strangers: An Explanation

The first rule of blogging is honesty. I will admit that that honest when it comes to Trying to Conceive or TTC is hard. It's an uncomfortable thing to discuss. Those who are living it understand, but it's nearly impossible to explain to people who haven't lived with infertility. I will do my best to be honest, with limits to privacy, and of course: the limits of TMI.

Let's start with a brief bio, shall we? I'm in my early twenties, as is my husband, Jon. We were married in October of 2010 after a four year engagement. When I was nineteen years old I was diagnosed with Poly-cystic Ovarian Syndrome or PCOS. My husband had a testicular issue when he was about 13 and as far as we currently know he has only one functioning testicle. There goes the TMI already, that's not something that is usually discussed in good company. 

What I mean to say is that my husband and I knew before our wedding vows that we could have trouble having children. In fact, while on our honeymoon my husband gave me a nervous look when I through my birth control pills in to the trash, I replied "Relax dear, it's not like I'll get pregnant immediately." I of course was crossing my fingers behind my back, hoping for exactly that.

It's now early April of 2012, no birth control has been used in a year and half, the duration our entire marriage. It's hard to define "trying to conceive" or TTC because sometimes we weren't trying. We were just newlyweds, without any protection. We went through a brief period last year where we were faithfully really trying to conceive. I started taking pre-natal vitamins, we monitored my cycles,  the things fertile couples know nothing about. After about 6 cycles, my husband became discouraged and we went back to the way we were. Unprotected, unplanned, and unscheduled.

Currently we have not sought any infertility care, but that's the beauty of it. This is the beginning of our journey. We are very much considering our next steps. We have just a couple more things we plan to line up, just a few more bills that need paid, and then we dive in with noses plugged. 

Best Wishes. 

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