Saturday, August 25, 2012

My Worst Cycle

So I've recently had a new and terrible experience. My last period was supposed to start on about July 28th.   I try not to get worried or get hopeful unless 6 or 7 days pass without any sign of Aunt Flow. This time only a couple of days passed and AF showed up on July 30th and it was really light on CD1 and CD2. I started to think I was going to have a light easy period for once in my life. CD3 rolled around my period started to get a bit heavier but I still thought it was normal. CD7 rolled around I thought my period was going to lighten up and vanish. CD8 my period got really heavy, like unusually heavy. This continued until CD14. I even had some vaginal pain on CD 10 but never had any cramps. My husband and I were getting really concerned. I even thought for a moment about going to the emergency room. I'm stubborn enough I decided to wait it out and try to get an appointment with a gynecologist.

I finally decided that I needed to see a doctor on CD16, still bleeding but not very heavily. I don't currently have a gynecologist. Or Gyno-saur as I tend to call them. I called the clinic closest to me that is owned by the same hospital system that I work for. Their referral coordinator took my information and said they'd call me within 4 or 5 days to let me know if the doctor would accept me as a patient. Ugh. My awful terrible period finally ended on cycle day 17. I have never had a period last longer than 8 days and that was only one time.  My periods are almost always 6 or 7 days. They called me on CD19 and said that the doctor that I wanted agreed to see me as a patient. So that's good news. The only problem is the first available appointment is September 18th! That's madness!

The worst part is, today is CD25. If I have a 25 day cycle on average, and you count the first day of spotting as CD1 I could start my period AGAIN any day now. If so, I'm going to call the clinic and ask if they can work me in sooner.

And now for something controversial: I know other countries have vastly different healthcare systems. I've been watching several TTC vloggers on Youtube from different countries. They sometimes have to wait months and months for an appointment because of their universal heathcare, so I know I have it better than they do, but still the wait seems ridiculous to me. It's hard for me to form an opinion because I know that there are so many people who don't have insurance and don't have any way to pay for the healthcare they need.....but then a big angry bitter part of me says it's not fair that I have a job, have insurance that I pay heaps of money for. Why should I have to wait months for an appointment when the people going to the doctor ahead of me don't work, don't have insurance, and I my tax money supports them?  I'm really really torn on the issue.

I'll try to make another post next week to keep my two post per month average, I think I might cover my still crazy and completely unpredictable BBT charts.

Best Wishes

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